WCNKAS featured on the Wilson County News' The Press Room, Ep. 39 and 40!

22 April 2023

WCNKAS President Alena Berlanga joined the Wilson County News  on camera for a special, 2-part interview.
In Ep. 39, Part 1, we got to explain the ins and outs of running the WCNKAS—what it really takes!
In Ep. 40, Part 2, we talked about the reason the WCNKAS exists. Responsibility as a pet owner is important, and we explain why, as well as how to be a responsible pet owner.
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WCNKAS featured on the Kens 5 Great Day SA show!

28 February 2019

Did you ever think you’d see the day that Wilson County Texas would have its own safe haven for injured, lost, and abandoned animals? With the help of all our Volunteer's, donations and our amazing WCNKAS Volunteer Board of Directors , we keep striving for that goal! Just one more building...we are almost there!
Watch the Interview